Monday, August 17, 2009


So I'm pretty happy.

I had my six month appointment on Monday, August 10 with Dr. Cripe and here are the results:

WBC - 3.7 (low, but not horrible).
Hgb - 13.9 (again, low, but not horrible).
Hct - 39.6 (yep, low, but not horrible)
Platelets - 157,000 (yeehaw, this one actually falls in the normal skew).

Anyway, the numbers above are not really troublesome, but they don't really tell much of a story. At this appointment they also took blood for my PCR-ABL test that quantifies the number of PH+ cells in my body. I can't really explain the scale of which its measured, but I went from a 4.01 in Feb 09 to a 2.04 in Aug 09. In short, the percentage of PH+ RNA molcules was cut in half. Really good numbers are in the 0.00x range, but at least its going down.

Onward and upward.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Me Likely Keithy

Not much health stuff going on right now. I have an appointment to see Dr. Cripe next week which will be my 6 month check-up. This appoint is usually pretty short but does include a CBC and my PCR_ABL test. Keep your fingers crossed - the last one didn't go so well :(.

On a related note - Keith Olbermann had a pretty good commentary that I'd like to share with all of you. Its largely political affiliation agnostic (though with a slight Democratic bend).