Monday, February 9, 2009


I got stuck this morning...

It was only one stick with the usual 3 vials to follow. I'm sick as the proverbial dog so I wasn't expecting much, but I'll be damned - good numbers.

Whities - 4.4K
Platelets - 156K
HGB - 14.6

Hell, I'm almost normal.

I won't get the all important PCR-ABL results back for a couple weeks. The good news is, Clarian is now processing the results themselves so I am told I will know how good or bad things are in half the time. I'd be delighted to hear that I'm in a cytogenic remission or some variant of it. At this point, I think the only measurement isn't really remission and really more of how many log reductions in Leukemic/PH+ cells they find. My first results last summer were terribly good so I am hopeful for a turn around.

Stay tuned.

Still kicking, one year down.

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