Thursday, April 2, 2009

seriously, has it been a month.

I'm doing fine...aside from an infected finger (which was saved through the miracles of Neosporin), all clear.

I unfortunately didn't plan ahead very well and do not have pictures to post from my latest project, but I'll share anyway. We decided to plant a raised bed garden this year. The kids are now old enough to learn about plants, the planting process, food sources, etc and frankly, I just wanted to do it. I built the beds last weekend out of 2x4 cedar stock - they are just shy of 1' deep and will be filled with Mark's Mix ( a mixture of mushroom compost, peat and top soil ). I have two beds that are 4' x 8' with pvc canopy supports so I can top them with plastic to extend the growing season about a month in either direction.

We started seeds a couple weeks ago and Maris helps me keep them watered every other day. Our beans and peas are already about 7" tall and everything else is coming along nicely ( herbs, carrots, cherry tomatoes, beets, radishes and a lettuce mix ). I hope to get them all outside by mid next week so we can really let them grow. I suspect the beans are already root bound so waiting any longer is not an option. I should have probably waited another month to get this stuff going, but I refuse to wait until July before we can start harvesting.

Anyway - that's it. Pretty exciting - great project ( under budget ).

Next up, religion by John. More soon.

1 comment:

Colin said...

Under budget? Jeez, you really are a different breed of dude from me. I'm more the type to make vague statements about planting a garden this year, wait until about June or July to start, realize nothing in the stores is even in stock anymore because everyone else is already up and running, then say gardening isn't for me and drive over to the farmer's market.