Monday, August 17, 2009


So I'm pretty happy.

I had my six month appointment on Monday, August 10 with Dr. Cripe and here are the results:

WBC - 3.7 (low, but not horrible).
Hgb - 13.9 (again, low, but not horrible).
Hct - 39.6 (yep, low, but not horrible)
Platelets - 157,000 (yeehaw, this one actually falls in the normal skew).

Anyway, the numbers above are not really troublesome, but they don't really tell much of a story. At this appointment they also took blood for my PCR-ABL test that quantifies the number of PH+ cells in my body. I can't really explain the scale of which its measured, but I went from a 4.01 in Feb 09 to a 2.04 in Aug 09. In short, the percentage of PH+ RNA molcules was cut in half. Really good numbers are in the 0.00x range, but at least its going down.

Onward and upward.

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