Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'll keep this short.

Not because I don't have anything to write about...but because my man Barack is putting the smack down on some Clinton ass.

Been feeling pretty good the past couple days. I've made it two full days at work and the only side-effect seems to be fatigue at about 8p every night.

I did have a doc appointment today with my practioner Kristi. She tells me that my blood results from Monday are good news. I'm still too green to fully understand what she's saying. My whites are down to 2,100 (which is too low), but the way she explained it to me is that my ratio of healthy ones to leukemic ones is increasing. I think I'm going to check back with her tomorrow and maybe even get another blood test on Thursday just to make sure they aren't creeping too low.

In spite of my confusing blood results, it sounds like her and Doc Dugan are even talking about dropping my Gleevec dosage to 300mg per day. I'm lucky in so many ways, but one of my biggest blessings is that for some reason - my body responds really well to mediations. I'm one of those people that can take a single aspirin and clear up a headache...actually, now I can't take aspirin at all, but you know what I mean.

Ok, I gotta get back to my debate.


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