Monday, August 4, 2008

It's just not working out...

How do you break up with a doctor? I need to know by tomorrow because I cheated on mine today and I'm guessing my blood results are going to show that I met with Dr. Cripe today. For those of you coming in late to this dialogue I had set up an appointment with a Leukemia specialist a couple weeks back, and - today I met with him.

The practice was busy, active but surprisingly much more organized. I was whisked away almost immediately after sitting down. This new place has a lab on site and the first thing they do when you arrive is take a CBC. Pretty sweet gig if you ask me - one stop shopping. They did the normal stuff - height, weight, bp, pulse, etc and sent me to an exam room. Next up was about 20 minutes with a med student - its a good primer for meeting with the doc and really gets your mind thinking about all the questions you want to ask.

I did clam up a bit when the doc arrived. He was a little intimidating, but mostly in that teachery sorta way. He explained things very clearly and even left a sheet of notes behind for me. On my way out they decided to take another couple blood samples and even did the test Dr. Dugan sorta did but this time with numbers (not a pass/fail like last time). I should hear back in a couple weeks and we'll probably revisit my bilirubin levels as well.

All in all, a good visit at a good practice with people who seemingly really know their stuff.

Now I need to call Doc Dugan's office tomorrow and let them know that it's just not working out.

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