Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Eagle has landed.

Let's get the cancer stuff out of the way.

Feeling pregnant, or what I assume it would feel like. A little icky in the morning, hungry all day and putting on some extra pounds around the middle. In short, hanging in there and happy to be alive.

Now for the good news...the Eagle has landed.

I took possession of Edith at about 3:30pm on Friday. Edith is just a temporary name, so if you have a suggestion, let me know. The delivery driver was great and seemed delighted to help me realize this dream. He backed it down the ramp, collected my check and it was mine. I quickly grabbed my phone and had Kris come out for the maiden voyage. I will first say the Kristin was less then enthused with this purchase...until she saw it. Edith's soothing green sheen and quiet rumble could turn even the deepest frown to a smile. Kris slid onto the aged bench seat and we were off.

Certainly there are things that need attention...and the list grows daily, but that disappears when you put your foot into the gas. For our first trip we kept it close to the house because the 'attention list' includes a non-working fuel gauge and a few other things that dictate just how far we push her.

Here are a couple observations:

1. The car makes you want to cruise. I have no interest in driving this thing like a sports car.

2. When in bench seats, your right arm is called to rest on the back of the bench and your left has to be out the window.

3. People love the car and smile as you drive by...I can think of very few other cars that trigger this response.

4. Vent windows should be included on all modern day cars.

5. Kristin really likes green cars...and bench seats.

I better get going, have to pick up a couple vanilla Cokes before going to the drive-in.

1 comment:

LMK said...

Sonic Burger here we come! Let's see, right arm on the bench seat, left hand out the window, what are you driving with? This must be a Mitlyng thing. Do you all ever drive with both hands?!

When you have someone to ride with, bench seats are nice...