Tuesday, April 1, 2008


As promised.

Whities 3,200
ANC 1,800
Platelets 114,000
Hemaglobin 13.1
Hematacrit 37.8

Generally speaking my numbers are down from two weeks ago, though not significantly. I think my whites dropped about 10% and my ANC around 20%. Since the ANC number is more important as a ratio of fighters in my whites, I'm not overly concerned. I don't meet with Dr. Dugan until next week, but I'm guessing they will have me stay the course for and keep up the current regiment. I meant to share this a couple weeks ago, but here is a great little blurb about my Oncolgist.

I'm torn whether a drop is good news or bad. The good news is my meds are working really well and keeping the Leukemia in check, the bad news is my numbers are a little low which can make it a little easier to get sick. The fact of the matter is, I'm happy that I likely won't need to take any additional Gleevec in the short term and that I'll probably just hang around the low dosage for quite some time.

I have good days and bad, but I generally feel solid most of the time. As the weather has warmed, I've been getting outside more and taking care of the house. Doing this really helps get me to a calm place. The only lingering side effect is really broken sleep which in turn makes working through the day a little tougher.

There aren't really too many changes around the house. The showings have slowed down a bit...which is actually fine since the house has been a wreck lately. We took a second look at a house with some nice property but decided that it was just on too busy a street with two littles ones and two furry ones. The hunt continues, though I think Kris and I would be fine staying downtown if we could get the school situation under control. I'm not inclined to lower the price of our home too much and if we don't get much activity in the next couple months, I'm thinking we won't renew our listing until next year. I'm probably making it sound dire, because we've actually had about five showings in the first month so I'm not complaining about the traffic.

Aside from that, my Mom and Dad are heading down this weekend for a visit and it's only a month or so away from Mike's wedding.

10-4. Aaron Out.

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