Sunday, June 8, 2008


My theory on getting cancer at this stage in my life is really quite simple.

It's all about the delta.

When I go to see my oncolgoist, I am quickly reminded that cancer is largely a disease that affects the 50+ population. Don't get me wrong, I am certainly aware the there are tens of thousands children living with some form of this disease every day. It's horrible at any age, but here's the delta I'm talking about.

The delta, or change between your life before and your new life is really where things fall apart.

Very young children are generally void of responsibility so the change in their life is more about their future and sadly - the delta between their lives and their healthy peers is constantly growing. Their bodies are still developing which can be good and bad. The up side is that a developing body is constant regrowing cells and can readily adapt to the environment around them, the down side is that it can also take them away before they've ever been able to enjoy the world around them.

In the older population...most folks lives have slowed down a bit and amount of activity they would normaly have is less, therefore the delta is somewhat smaller. It's a tragedy that many of these people spent the past 35 years of their lives buried in work only to fight for their lives for their remaining years. Needelss to say, the challenge they have is that their bodies do have as much fight as their younger counterparts.

This brings us to 20 - 40 somethings. I'm in this group so I of course think the delta is the greatest. In this age group - you are expected to be in the prime of your life. You are building relationships, careers and families. Three things that require your full attention...something you are no longer able to do when you're constantly fighting for your health. I look back at what I could do just two years ago and am reminded that I'm a shadow of the man I used to be. For me - that delta is the biggest challenge. The more stories I hear about young folks fighting this disease, the more I think about this.

It's no secret that I have lived a blessed life. I have a wonderful family all around me, we live comfortably and most of those around me are healthy. My challenge is to look past my delta and live my new life.

Best to all of you.


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